Exploring the Heart of Germany and Italy

12-Day Tour of
Germany and Italy

August 10, 2025 to August 21, 2025

Tour members depart the U.S. for Berlin, Germany, where they embark on a city sightseeing tour upon arrival, covering landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate and Checkpoint Charlie. The journey continues through various historical and cultural sites across Germany and Italy, including Wittenberg, Munich, Venice, Florence, and Rome, with guided tours, leisure time, and special dinners. The tour concludes with a visit to Rome’s iconic sites before returning to the U.S.

Activity Level 3
Tour Activity: Level 3

Departure ID: 3983
Please reference this when calling our office.

Germany and Italy Map

Note: the map indicates the general route of the tour, and may not reflect the
exact route that will be taken on the trip.

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Tour members depart on our flight to Berlin, Germany. While on board our overseas flight, we will be served meals according to the flight schedule.

** This denotes this part of the itinerary is part of an optional extension.
Please contact our office for additional information and pricing.

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